It’s Been a while - Sept 2020
Emmie: Your next topic is, “Tell a story of a scar you have”
That is a good question mom. Due to my psoriasis, I don’t have too many scars. There are 3 that come to mind. Two of them are from accidents and the other is from a cat. I have been very lucky to say the least.
The first one was, from what I understand, when I was a baby learning to walk. I fell….as children learning how to walk do, and hit my face on the edge of a coffee table, to where my “father” promptly said, “watch what you are doing, that’s what you get.” Or some shit to that affect. He was a piece of shit back then. I never really disliked the scar…I didn’t really even notice it, because I was focused on my lazy eyes. Well, they aren’t “lazy”….they just lack confidence sometimes. I paid more attention to it when I was getting my labret pierced and had to get it lower because the scar tissue. Which was good for 2 reasons. The girl that did the piercing was not very talented at that job, and I have no problems with the backing scraping and ruining my teeth. So, it’s a win-win. You can’t even see the scar.
The other scar, which is not very noticeable is on my left hand. When I was very young…maybe around kindergarten age, I was in the garden with my “father”. I was skipping down the dirt aisles and my hand swooped up and hit his cigarette. I burnt my hand and he just said," “Watch what you are doing!” He was a piece of shit back then, too.
The other scar is from a cat named “Shadow”. I felt bad for this kitty. He was a lovely cat, but there was just something about him that was off. It was right before my graduation from high school I believe….or Jr. High? I can’t remember, but it was some sort of graduation. But the silly cat slipped off the couch and scraped my hand. Completely unintentional. That kitty was a smelly kitty but just wanted loving. We ended up giving him to an elderly couple (or just a lady) that absolutely adored him more than anyone could adore a cat. And he lived a super happy life. I still have a tiny line-scar that you can see in just the right light.
Oh…my “father” is still a massive pile of shit….he never grew out of that. Not my problem.
Mom, your next topic is: What is the last thing grout sees?